Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Humber songwriting workshop July 2008

The Toronto-based Humber songwriting workshop sponsors two three day songwriting workshops July 20-22 and July 22-24. It seems like they have good support for different levels of ability and an chance for participants to bond and share their stuff.

Monday, April 28, 2008

2:42 the ideal song length?

Listening to Ryan Adams' latest album, Easy Tiger, I was wondering just why it was that my two favorite songs Two and Everybody Knows both use Verse-Refrain-Verse-Refrain format and clock in on either side of 2:30 by a few seconds. Another song I'm also performing lately— Getting Better—clocks in at just 2:47. Reading Joshua Allen's piece about 2:42 being the ideal song length, I wonder if he's on to something about songwriting economy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Overused chord progressions

chrisjh rails against overused chord progressions on

Free online rhyhming dictionary

I sometimes use a free online rhyming dictionary like Rhymer / WriteExpress. The desktop version I have (it came with Finale) allows one to constrain the syllables of the results as well.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Writing Songs is Easy?

Matthew Ryan posted a short essay called Writing Songs is Easy in which he talks about starting the process with a little self-examination about your niche and what you are hoping to get out of songwriting. Take a look around the web site if you visit.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Brian Kelley's RoughMix Podcast and Blog

Brian Kelley has an interesting "behind the scenes" podcast about the songwriting process called RoughMix and also has a blog devoted to supporting and annotating the podcast.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lead Sheet Thursday

Thursday is the day I pick songs for my band (28 Strings) to play during our weekly rehearsal. If we can figure out how to put a gentle drum beat around it, I'd like to try the Jayhawks' song 'All the Right Reasons' from their Rainy Day Music album and maybe the song 'Blue' (from Tomorrow the Green Grass) but also well covered on the Thorns' eponymous CD. Speaking of the 'Hawks, frontman Gary Louris' new CD, Vagabonds is pretty nice — I definitely recommend checking it out if you're a fan. There's also a Terry Gross fresh air interview with Louris lurking around on iTunes.

I just remixed Suspended in Alarm for the gazillionth time, trying to give the opening some bunch - I added a very subtle harp flourish in the beginning. I'm quite happy with the drum sound on this track, I'll have to document that one and use it elsewhere.